4 posts

Uncovering You

Explore the journey of discovering your authentic self. Uncover your soul by becoming aware of traumas and wounding, heal from the past, embrace your inner child, and step out of fear.

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Trauma: Freeing Yourself From Your Puppet Master
Trauma: Freeing Yourself From Your Puppet Master

Imagine waking up every day feeling like a puppet, controlled by invisible strings from your past. Each decision you make, every reaction you feel, dictated by past wounds. This is every single person's reality until you are ready to break free from trauma.

by Lauren Renee
The Abandonment Wound
The Abandonment Wound

Are you quite sure you don't have an abandonment wound? Check out how silently this wound can sneak up on you and ingrain itself into your life.

by Lauren Renee
Mirrors: I Am Yours, You Are Mine
Mirrors: I Am Yours, You Are Mine

Understanding the psychological phenomenon of mirroring is like turning on a flashlight in a dark room – it helps us see how we unknowingly reflect each other's inner world, the good and the not-so-good. It's a big deal as it significantly influences self-awareness, growth and the healing process.

by Lauren Renee
The Fear Factor: Shattering Barriers to Fulfillment
The Fear Factor: Shattering Barriers to Fulfillment

In a world where fear often holds people back from happiness, this article explores the pervasive influence of fear, the common feeling of inadequacy, and practical steps to conquer fear and unlock a more authentic and fulfilling life.

by Lauren Renee
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